HYCOM.org Catalog https://tds.hycom.org/thredds/catalogs/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0.html

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (NRL)   --
         Folder  GLBy0.08/expt_93.0   --
             Folder  FMRC (Forecast Model Run Collection)   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_930_FMRC/   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_930_FMRC_ice/   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_930_FMRC_sur/   --
             Folder  Hindcast Data: Dec-04-2018 to PRESENT *3-hourly*   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_expt_93.0 (ssh, ts3z, and uv3z aggregated)   --
                     GLBy0.08_expt_93.0_ssh (sea_surface_elevation)   --
                     GLBy0.08_expt_93.0_ts3z (sea_water_temperature and sea_water_salinity)   --
                     GLBy0.08_expt_93.0_uv3z (eastward_sea_water_velocity and northward_sea_water_velocity)   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_expt_93.0_ice (sst, sss, ssu, ssv, sic, sih, siu, siv, surtx, surty)/   --
             Folder  Hindcast Data: Dec-04-2018 to PRESENT *1-hourly*   --
                 Folder  GLBy0.08_expt_93.0_sur (qtot, emp, steric_ssh, ssh, u_barotropic_velocity, v_barotropic_velocity, surface_boundary_layer_thickness, mixed_layer_thickness)/   --

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